Hooded Steel 4 " Bag Em and Tag Em" is a Comic Book / Video Game themed Superhero short film series owned and created by Dushon Ex Daniels. This film series is unique because Dushon is the Editor, Costume Creator, Screenplay Writer, Shooter, Music Composer / Writer and Performer. On top of all that, he found time to star as Everybody in this film. When I say everybody, I even mean the extras! The one of a kind scenes choreographed and filmed by Dushon of Hooded Steel fighting his opponents are something for the record books. Dushon finds a creative way to organically showcase his Luxury Brand and tell a great detective Superhero Story on Vimeo On-Demand. In Hooded Steel 4 (2021) Superhero Detective Hooded Steel and his partner Charlie have a hysterical run in with "Hat Trick", the newest criminal in town. They later find out that the games are just beginning!
After seeing the 4th Hooded Steel film by Dushon Journalist and Amazon best selling author Silva Harapetian had this to say.
"Multi talented. Incredible artistic work combining so many creative disciplines to create a unique movie. Organic product placements featuring design and music. Good work." - Silva Harapetian