Talent, talent, talent and more talent!!!!!! We see taking his talents from Brooklyn to Miami and now to Hollywood was the right move for Dushon Ex. Daniels aka @ex_the_mogul.
"I'm just being the Muti - Talented Dushon Ex. Daniels" say's THE MOGUL IN THE MAKING.
" It hasn't been the easiest road over the years having to stay focused and put personal problems to the side. It's been very hard for me to build or keep relationships with great people because of my misunderstood mission. Amazing people being neglected and not paid attention to because of what some my say is a far fetched goal. My past isn't perfect, I'm not perfect but these days who is? Who hasn't made mistakes and said or done something weird because of being focused on seeing the Wiz and not focusing on the long, confusing, crazy, dark and dangerous path of the yellow brick road. Im not perfect but through all my imperfections I've been able to help and inspire others to do great things. To me that's more important then any amount of money! I've learned that I shouldn't hide my imperfections and hard path because they have molded and shaped my super powers. I've learned that nothing is impossible! Im not perfect but through out the years I've made a perfect effort to be strong enouth to strengthen the light of others. Now that I've had time to sit in my fortress of solitude to recharge my light, the Justice League will be formed. They get it, they understand, they believe, they have answered the call. NOW TOGETHER WE WILL SHINE! " - "ROCKER" Dushon Ex. Daniels